Wednesday 6 March 2013

Types Of Women’s Shoes

Just as clothing and other accessories are essentials in a woman’s wardrobe, shoes too form a necessary part of her closet. It is believed that a woman’s shoes are limited to sandals and belly shoes, but there is an array of styles out there for women to choose from. There is a different shoe style available for every occasion and every outfit. For instance, pumps are the best choice for everyday use, while mules can be worn with casual wear.  Given here are some different styles that can complete a woman’s closet, with a variety of versatile shoes to be worn over and over again.
wedge heels
Wedge Heels
A wedge is based on the same shape as a triangular door-stop. The heel extends from the back of the shoe to right under the foot, thus running in a wedge shape from back to front. Wedges come in different heights.
mary janes
Mary Janes
A Mary Jane reminds you of your school days, as it is like the round-toed, low-heeled shoe that children wear to school. A distinctive feature of Mary Jane is the single or double strap that crosses the middle top of the foot. It comes in varying heights and styles.
peep toes
Peep Toes
A peep toes shoe is open at the tip of the toes, to show part of the toes, but not the whole toe line. The opening of the shoe is small and rounded or wedge shaped.
A mule is covered in the front, just like a normal shoe and the back is open. It is easy to slip on and comes in various heights and different heel shapes.

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